Tribulations of a reorientation — business coach — n°1 (English)

Capture d’écran 2019-02-05 à 16.44.42.png

The « white page syndrome ». 

I just experienced it at a very humble level of course when I opened my word document, totally white. 

Although I am neither a writer, nor a journalist nor a blogger, I am about to keep a written trace of my experiences. 

I admit there is far less stakes than for people who live from their pen. 

This is completely new for me, 100% out of my « confort zone » (I seriously deviated out of it the past few months), against my principle of reserve and discretion (sort of sweet and sour mix of education, & French Judeo-Christian culture). 

During the long minutes where the small vertical bar flashed on and off on the immaculate page, I asked myself what where the reasons that pushed me to write?

I am leaving here the very simplistic results of my introspection:

  • Keep some trace of what I write 

  • Force me to write down what I feel, what I live in order to be able to visualise my evolution as the days and months goes by. 

  • Share my experience of what it is like to build a business coach activity in 2019. 

You will say to me «  why don’t you keep it for you » , fair enough!

Well, because I have been shaken up side down by my favorite coach …. Bad answer, at least partially :-/

More than everything, it is clear for me that I need to are and exchange on my experience. If I remain quiet, prudent and reasonable in my corner, I will neither grow nor make any contribution to the world. 

I took the decision with myself to write a few lines everyday and to see where that is taking me, driving me, landing me. In front of witness, I will be forced to show how I am moving ahead. 

I choose LinkedIn because it has been alongside my career and I am more at ease with it than facebook, twitter, instagram and all the other social media I don’t know (yet), as there are not my cup of tea. 

I lay down here those few lines on a very personnel path without expecting anything back. 

That is said!

I am very glad I made it. 

To be continued…. 
