About me


Who am I?


everything started when…

… I started to listen to my true desires, and my natural leadership style.

I am a coach for entrepreneurs and executive women that want to live their ambitions. I believe that women moving into executive roles are key to creating leaders, people and cultures who lead, decide and act with greater authenticity and courage. 

I have been working in international management roles in the automotive and healthcare industries with a deep focus on individual motivations and team dynamics.

I have lived and worked in France, Australia and Argentina, and am passionate about the richness of intercultural exchanges.  I believe HUMAN will make the difference and am intentional about working closely with women to develop into their full potential. 

After 15 years leading in challenging international environments in big companies, I have decided to dedicate my career to developing my natural abilities to coach teams and activate more conscious individuals. I have launched a global coaching business out of the French Alps and has discovered with a lot of joy, my own creative power, as I am witnessing the transformation of my clients. 

I am a also leader of a Lean In Circle and deeply enjoys those moments of group connection. I am a mum of 3 and love to travel, dance and play games with my family. 

My most recent educational background:

2019 : Professional Coaching Level 1 | LKB School of Coaching, Paris, France

2019-2020: Clean Coaching | LKB School of Coaching, Paris, France.

2019: Formation Pro Méta® | niveau 1 | Flora Douville, Nantes, France.

Self awareness method about your competencies and natural talents based on direct links existing between your physical appearance and your core.

what i studied some years ago:

Master’s degree, Marketing Business and Economics, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.

DESEM, Marketing, Business and Economics, Neoma Business School, Reims, France.

Post-graduate degree in Industrial & International Purchasing Management, Kedge Business School, Bordeaux, France.

what i do as well:

Founder and Moderator of a Lean In Circle.

Facilitator of discussions around leadership themes.

The languages I speak:

I have studied various languages starting from German, portugnol* (language spoken when you live and work in Argentina and that you work very closely with Brazil), Chinese and Japanese.

I coach in French, English and Spanish.